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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  March 26, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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robbed on georgia avenue. these cases were not related but two apparent anti-gay hate adding fuel to s about lesbian, gay, bisexual come and transgender violence. hundred stick to the street in support of the victims. -- hundreds took to the street. >> we appreciate the patience. we wanted to stall this immediately. going forward, this is now in of the justice system. only facing aggravated assault charges at the moment. as of right now, they may add hate crime element. that will come in the penalty phase. jennifer donelan come abc7 news. police are still investigating and other hate just one dayppened after this shooting. a man was beaten and robbed on
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georgia avenue. new developments in the shooting case. the teenager had been suspended but his mother said do with theng to shooting. investigators are trying to demonize her son. another rally tonight in support teen. florida brianne carter is there and from northwest latest.on with the the people who are rallying t here about one hour for now. are echoing them fromounds we have heard coast to coast, calling for of the in the death florida team. want?at do we n >> justic >> ae and have been. by motherion, this thevered a petition to department filled with callingn 500 signatures
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step in.ies to s me furious. it is playing out in the media should be in the court room. george zimmerman has not been arrested. the students to letters to the attorney general. like me.n looks it lets me know i need to do something. calling this the civil rights movement of their time. who organized the says she feels connected to the case. >> that could have been my brother, my best friend, anybody. it just touched me. that is why we are asking for justice. we are learning new information from both sides. the boy was suspended and it had whatng to do with happened.
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they killed my son and now to kill hisng reputation. a new eyewitness said it was up forcalling being pinned down. >> the students are also planning a march tomorrow from to the white house get underway at noon. bayh from northwest, brianne , abc7 news. >> one of george zimmerman's abouts is speaking out what happened. george has been told by the not to sayrs anything. is in hiding out of fear for his life because of the bounty on his head. >> he said zimmermann pursued there had been a number of break-ins in the because he wasot black. he was not racist and says he is a guy you would trust with his life. we will bring more details on
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news at 6:00. >> let's turn to the weather and drop in the temperature. in effect. warning can you believe that? going from the 80's to freezing temperatures. typical march weather, leon. swing like this and more way.g our crystal clear temperatures. 56 outside the belfort to furniture weather center. bluef the areas shaded in have a freeze warning from 3:00- 9:00 tomorrow. the expression is the northern neck of virginia. everyone else is under that warning. 55 in frederick, 64 in quantico. after sunset, the wind will diminish. we have had wind gusts up to 33 per hour at washington dulles. .he wind will diminish
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there will be dry conditions and skies, so it will get mighty cold. into the 40's overnight and then l be out of the way. anymore 70's in our bag of tricks? you bet. tell you when coming up. >> you cannot figure out what to wear. a potential freeze tonight has on edge because many of fruit crops have already started to bloom. horace holmes as live in witte just howt devastating this change in the temperatures could be. >> let me see if i can assure the problem. these are hundreds and hundreds of peach trees. if you look close, you can see e started to bloom. each one of these blooms will into a peach but not a big
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hard freeze its tonight. has been farming this land frederick county, va., for 50 years. in 50 years of farming -- never seen anything like this. >> they have never been so concerned. are all nervous. >> 60 acres is dedicated to apples, and berries. them are blooming ahead of schedule. we like to see a
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the end of next month. >> hundreds and hundreds of peach and apple trees, the and berries in the ground will be wiped out tonight if temperatures fall below 30 degrees, as forecasted. they stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars. >> we have covers for the strawberries. >> he, his nephew, in three hired hands are scrambling in a race against time and mother nature that could kill the blooms. >> we will find a way. >> farming is like a roll of the dyes. sometimes you hit big. others, even when things on the outside look good, the cold wind can suddenly blow in. >> we understand what we are dealing with. there is nothing you can do about it. it is what it is. what happens, happens. a few minutes ago, you heard the dog talking about the strong wind that has been blowing. heard doug talk about wind. only hope that the have, that the wind will to keep the moisture buds. these young hopefully it will save their crops. biden from clear brook, horace holmes, abc7 news. >> police have a composite
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the suspect they attacked a high school fromnt as she walked on school. triedities say this man assault is 16-year- student walking on pickett road when a man grabbed her neck behind and assault the door. she struggled, and was eventually able to get free. none of the money that fell from truck on the 270 has been turned in. police say two bags complaining -- containing $5,700 fell onto northbound 370. police -- 270. police are urging them to return money. a vote expected tonight for the plan on a multimillion- dollar casino. the casino would have blackjack tables and nearly 5000 slot
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machines. also calls for a 10% tax. if it passes, the public will vote this fall. if you think you have good neighbors, wait until you hear this story. group of d.c. residents in progress. theft >> they held the suspect until cops arrived. it then eisner joins us with the story. ben eisler joins us. >> it does not hurt that one of them is a very large man and another is a former cop. >> it seemed like they were to get into something. two young men began circling van. its owner noticed and started window.rom the all of a sudden, one of them to screwdriver and began to pick the lock on the door. one of the teenagers handed the
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other a big rock to smash the transmission. the victim ran out and called the neighbors for help. them trapped the in the car while the r ran off for the large man escape byhe could not neighbor, a former cop, handcuffs and subdued him. >> everybody kept a really cool head. not tovictim, choosing identified, tried to give the g man guidance. >> 30 seconds can change your life forever. he said he was sorry that his came to this, but he his neighbors for his kindness. he said one cannot always stand by without taking teams in their own hands. >> people need to take a stand of not allow the inequities this world to consumers.
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>> the other suspects to the lookout in this on the loose. they hope both of these will learn from the experience. in the newsroom, abc7 news. >> still to come on abc7 news at 5:00, and local waitress claims a customer's salted hurt after received undercooked chicken tenders. investigation is underway and investigating one of their own. >> new details tonight on dick cheney's heart transplant. >> the good news for popcorn lovers. >> the good news for popcorn lovers. we love gardening...
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yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months.
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my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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the wife of the soldier going on a shooting rampage in afghanistan is speaking out. sgt robert bales killed 16 afghan civilians. "the today show" today and claimed her husband s children. nothing has changed my mind believing that he did this. not what it appears to
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be. his charged with 17 murderof premeditated crimes.r being held at the military prison in fort leavenworth, kansas. takingth care reform stage at the supreme court. time ago i spoke to what she willbout covering on "abc world news." >> hello to you and everyone in d.c. examine everywill word the supreme court justices so far.d any clues on which way this might go. also, director james cameron and bottom of the the ocean. what a physical event it was. and more details on how yo gump go all thoseo hours without moving. more ahead on "world news." >> diane sawyer will bring you .hat and more
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>> after a nationwide backlash consumers, the makers of be haltingl production. out ofitive i of meat scraps. ofrecently became the target a campaign. several school districts and have banned it. >> pope benedict is in cuba this evening attending an outdoor santiago to celebrate the anniversary of the charities. heading to have end. the first papal visit since pope john paul ii visited ago.ars >> a very special collection of scrolls will be on display. 30 hand-painted silk scrolls by
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an 18th century artist. the first time ever that japan has loaned this treasure the west willll open on friday and open for just four weeks. check it out if you can. we are still accepting your photos of the cherry blossom trees. to enter the contest. the winner will get a cherry blossom prize package. >> are the blossoms all gone at? in a number on them today. tree in my front yard and i understand with the wind today that 80% of the blossoms are gone. >> it really was blustery today. it will get cold tonight. e even in the 20's in some areas. a live look at the weatherbug network. chesapeake the beach. g across the bakery on the , that island is
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about six or 7 miles across the bay. afternoon with wind that will diminish. at children's hospital, they had at 41 miles per hour. sustained wind correctly at 70 per hour. fairfax, northeastern when at 16 miles per hour. these temperatures and the dust get the feeling that something is happening. you do not feel it now is a much with temperatures, but with the diminishing wind, temperatures will tank. the national weather service has the freeze warning. expansion is southern maryland and the northern neck counties of northern virginia. is under the warning from 3:00-9:00. hitconcern is that it could 28-32 degrees. if we get a few hours solid of
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sub-32 temperatures, that could significant damage. still in the 50's locally. 54 in frederick. 64 in quantico. the temperature look impressive for this time of year. just average. but you do not have to go far d last week's weather. indeed -- 80 degrees in atlanta. look in new england. upstate new york in the 30's now. that is to the north and west. colder now in detroit than yesterday. we are three degrees cooler with a bubble of warm air to the south. pressure builds across southern canada. this move to the east and we called, clear, and cold. the high-pressure centers just
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great lakes for early tomorrow morning. that will expand to the south. temperatures in the mid 50's and the changes under way for the next coldd of front. lower 70's. wednesday afternoon and , shards and thunderstorms. down by the end of the week. tomorrow, mostly sunny and 28-35. sunny and breezy and 52 for the afternoon. a jump in temperatures. a chance for showers and tonderstorms looking ahead thursday and friday. the 60's with sunshine. another chance of showers on saturday. sunday and monday the upper 60's again. >> this is just a little blip today. good to have you back. >> we have a new facebook giveaway. some're giving away
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furniture worth $3,500. to sign up. we will announce the winner right here on abc7 news at 5:00. >> your chances are good. alison, doug, and i cannot enter. coming up, were you hungry or mad over the weekend? >> nobody should be doing this. the online trend that has psychologists concerned and girls asking, "and my pretty?" >> the line on the latest of the fndition of
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tonight, we are learning more former vice president dick 's heart transplant over the weekend. latest on when out when he was getting a new heart. leon, we are told he is doing very well. he is awake and talking. surrounded by his wife and daughters. exclusive to abc. it was not until after midnight on friday that he find out -- he
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out he would be getting a new heart. last summerews had not decided whether or decided to seek a heart transplant. time, doctors had entered battery operated device. there are a lot of people now with the pomp now. i will make a decision at some whether or not to go for a transplant. after nearly two years on a t in list, he got a new hear fairfax hospital and almost beganately people n on whether a 71- should get a transplant. >> it will give him three more or whenever, and it just seems a shame. >> he deserves health care like rest of us. >> mr. cheney is not alone. last year, 332 of those transplants last year 65 or older.
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60 of them were 70 or older. age is just not a factor anymore. this professor teaches medical ethics at georgetown. he says with the scarcity of hearts and thousands more on the , he believes we need a different approach. >> in principle, fairness requires that older people consider stepping aside in favor of younger people. >> that debate continues. meanwhile, his doctors say he is progress and is doing very well. if he continues this past, his excellent and he could live on with his new heart for many years. abc7 news. 7 is on your side with thetling new information on side effects of pregnancy. researchers found it increases a woman's chances of having a
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fatal heart attack. pregnant women are three or four heartikely to suffer a attack. researchers believe hormonal the risk.creased >> interesting. coming up on abc7 news at 5:00, sprung as the first gets help with the first garden. >> undercooked chicken and an [ male announcer ] for making cupcakes and deposits s at the same ti. for paying your friend back for lunch from your tablet. for 26 paydays triggered with a single tap. for checking your line, then checking your portfolio. for making atms and branches
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appear out of thin air. simple to use websites, tools, and apps. for making your finaial life a little bit eas er. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are
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to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. rigght now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month.
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you are watching abc7 news at n harris, allison's darling, chief meteorologist hill, and tim brant sports. abc 7 news at 5:00. on your side. locale tonight whit the says the customers scared and attacked her. the man in this question is a maryland state trooper. the bell is live with details on this story. >> the young waitress involved once the community to know that she does not have a problem with law-enforcement. she waits on sheriff deputies all the time. she said theent, was a bully. that is wrong. amy has waited tables at this tuesday for four years, but
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like the man last week. he was the worst. never cried because of somebody at the restaurant. he got me to that point. >> she says her fear grew inause of a profane tireade man slapped her with the holder. >> he was a big man. was scared. the man got in a police car, on his lights, and that "ruby tuesday" is dangerous. based on the information, it is maryland state trooper paul trossbach. >> seamen to abuses of authority and make me scared. >> he will be looked into
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because of his conduct. the allegations are being taken seriously. hopesmother sa so. >> when he asks this way with a will heold girl, how acted from of anyone else? >> the county sheriff's office tolooking into the matter sort ofhere was any criminal act. told that they will be some time before a decision is made. brad bell can abc7 news. >> video surveillance shows he shot his estranged wife in a bullet he faces up to life in prison. a woman known as the blond
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expected to plead guilty in a series of robberies in tyson's corner. is indicted on six charges of bank robbery. she went on a crime spree late last year robbing banks and cars at knifepoint. apprehended last november. go to courtted to month. >> and now we turn to the theth-care challenge in supreme court today. e issue has people camping out seathe chance to get a court.the top the justices have to decide if can even hear the case. rebecca cooper is live to explain tonight. >> the political stakes could not be higher. opponents and supporters say most important political case to come before since bush v.urt gore. for the next three days, the be decidingt will
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the obama health constitutional, not they can have a mandate. before getting to the broader issue, they need to decide one of narrower. is the penalty taxpayers will get to pay a they do not considered a tax? it is, the supreme court cannot case until the mandate goes into effect in 2015. even with the narrow technical issue, there are people on all s often drowning each other out. inside supreme court, all the indicating they do want to take up this case. they do not consider the a tax. is what justice ruth spader ginsburg can say. ruth bader ginsburg. >> this is not a revenue-raising because if it is successful, nobody will pay the be noy because there will
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revenue to raise. not want the penalty the health care intended it as a fine. there is agreement for the that most of them want move forward as expected. wednesday began the e ofment on the broader issu not the mandate is unconstitutional. we will be your continuing therage of live from supreme court. , abc7 >> let's take a look at the top stories. d.c. police have arrested a connection with a hate crime shooting at a local ihop. lashawn carson has been charged aggravated assault while armed. anti-case letters n the restaurant and then shot him. anti-gay slurs. >> local farmers are preparing freeze.tential blooming ahead of schedule due to the unseasonably winter. farmers are scrambling against time and mother nature to try
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young blooms. details about the death trayvon martin. he had been suspended from .chool witness is telling abc that it was is the man help, not martin. >> the new $2.60 billion needingr is already repairs. contractors found cracks on the georgia avenue, and marie lane, and other bridges. the cracks do not pose a safety to drivers. construction will begin next up to eightld last weeks. prepare forld delays. let's check in and the traffic situation. >> i have a very bad details.
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the beltway. the inner loop is jammed it past earlierwhere an butdent has been moved, then slowed again from baltimore. outer the above the belt slow traffic right now make the trip from central avenue to route 50. then seeing delays from springfield to eisenhower, a serious accident has the lanes shut down. slow traffic on north down 270 the belt way to montrose. then slow to urbana. at the 395 camera, washington and duke street. slow on in woodbridge. and again the center court parkway. back to you. still ahead and abc7 news at 5:00, getting their hands dirty
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inay to help the first lady her spring garden. >> everybody loves "the hunger games." maybe they love "mad men" even more. >> minute traffic is bad, but is wasted while >> minute traffic is bad, but is wasted while sitting and waiting to >> minute traffic is bad, but is wasted while sitting wheeeeeeeeeeeee! whee! whee! wheeeeeeeee! ah heads up. wheeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today.
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hit at the movies this weekend and another big hit to the small screen. >> arch campbell joins us with excitement around "the games" and "mad men." i don't have amc at my apartment. >> two big questions today, what did you think of "the hunger ?"mes and did you see "mad men?" one of the biggest openings in history. >> i don't want to do that. i want to do something they will remember. it ranks up there with "harry potter" and "the dark knight."
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there will be at least three movies and interest has in a archery. in a word, "the hunger games" bullseye. it blew away the competition: $155 million. coming this week, julia roberts who wants snow "mirror mirror." and "wrath of the titans." >> when a man walks into a room, brings his whole life with him. "mad men" is back with 3.5 viewers. and the civil movement has traction. n draper turns the corner at 40.
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i loved everything except to many commercials. last night's episode included a song, a hit back in 1961 from sophia loren. >> sing a few bars. ♪ [laughter] >> commercials are good for us. tell you that. we need them. thansks, arch. sorry. n abc7 news at o 5:00, canned popcorn actually be healthy for you? yes, but a fewys stipulations. a new online trend has girls stipulations. a new online trend has girls we love gardening...
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yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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question that teenage girls asked, "am i pretty," the now going by role. be aware ofeed to
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this. indeed that is down to it can be the damage extensive and lasting. cynne has more. >> it is the newest thing. young girls turning to youtube. >> do you think i'm pretty? >> i want to know if i'm pretty or not. tell me. >> do you think i'm pretty? all? >> sometimes they're getting views.ds or millions of in,responses are pouring hurtful. >> it is messed up. >> it might hurt someone's feelings. that's devastated. bullying.ncrease >> this child psychologist says the videos open the girls up to bullying and criticism. no one should be doing this,
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even if they get positive feedback. one or two purple comments will out thenes that stand mess. hurtful comments. >> but girls really think what other people think. y rely on other people's of themselves. it is part of development. >> if they care about a of theirr aspect it made and that being said. it fixate on for a very long time. cooks now they're speaking out d asking them to making the videos. >> even not need anyone in the tell you if you are ugly or beautiful. if you are happy with yourself, you are perfect. >> this is very important talk your daughters and why this not a good idea to have your dictated by others. abc7 news. >> we can learn a lot from that
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nine year-old girl. some is on your side and a movies that may be good for you. researchers at university of bound popcorn is rich in antioxidants. here is the catch. the popcorn cannot be covered butter or salt. >> that is what makes it good. speaking of a good, we are excited because could dancing with the stars" is on tonight. they will be dancing either the jive or quick step. one of the fan favorites as the not know much about. >> thank god i receive the love, but i was not expecting it. >> you will see how the latin does at 8am levy followed by "castle."
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i cannot imagine why he is a fan favorite already. he did not have a gut feeling? at all? [laughter] abc7 news at 6:00, must-see tv. bunyan has a lot. >> one day down and two ago. the nation's high court taking president obama's health care plan. the issuedebate about theng place on the steps of court building. in a live report. some conversations getting the presidential campaign. what rick santorum and president obama said raising eyebrows. about openreminder microphones. thank you, maureen. checkthe meantime, let's with done before the weather. one week we are in the a.d.'s be now we are going to
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freezing tonight? the 80's.k we're in >> 56 in arlington with clear skies outside. through the forecast. the big headline is the freeze morning. the only places in our area not including our st. mary's county the middle northern neck of virginia. 58 in washington. dip the poor in frederick. in fredericksburg. the wind is still very gusty. 33 mile per hour gust in washington. the wind will diminish. look at the computer model futurecast. temperatures overnight will drop blow 30's. we will recover with sunshine the low 50's tomorrow. a cold front may bring a few
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on wednesday.orms will level off into the weekend. for anytime. bob ryan just posted a new blog. read all about it. that's the latest. "i was in new york this weekend and everyone was talking about tebow. >> there were talking about me? would they say about me? i thought it was april fool's day. country, a paid manning is a bronco, tiger woods wins a tournament? peyton is a bronco. the former heisman trophy winner is of 8 in denver
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g the big apple. >> i'm excited to be a jet. what ever my role is, however i will dond that role, i that. tebowmania at 6. a shotd the caps taking with a local family. >> there were they were come of red. sea next to all those big guys. ove.ds got to sit next to >> today they got to pose along the capitals for the team picture. >> a belt awesome. -- it felt awesome. >> it was one of the prizes from
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the annual charity auction. >> we ended up winning. >> how much? they would not say. rest assured, it was well worth it. everyone --me that got to meet everyone. >> leon, is tiger back? he won his first pga tour since self,ooking like his old by five shots. this is trending as we speak. the have made tiger the favorite next weeksters winning 14 majors, 22 wins, and world again climbing the rankings. as of this minute, his favorite in augusta. >> are you serious? turn left. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick.
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not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. hu huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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the first lady had a lot white househe
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today for spring planting. >> @ tashard barrett showing as. berrett shows us. one asks, how is it to live the white house. another was more specific. do you have just dance? what's that? joinedbancroft students obama for the very first worked with have her every year sounds. to me the first lady? exciting. what did you think of her? >> she is so nice and kind. >> not a lot of people get to meet her. of the lucky ones. what did you say anything to hurt? >> i said hi. working with
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addressingd teachers unhealthy eating. i think it's really awesome. i was really happy. >> one of the most memorable day, getting their d by mrs. obama. >> i really enjoyed being here in getting a signed h from her. 13 going to do with that t- shirt? >> wash at once. i hope it does not come off. >> the schools were picked for reason, to learn make their own gardens. >> what a fun experience. is abc7 news at 5:00. coming up next -- the most important political gore.ince bush verses i rebecca cooper with a live up next.ming new devme


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